From PCH to Header Unit: A Step-by-Step Guide to Changing an External Library
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From PCH to Header Unit: A Step-by-Step Guide to Changing an External Library

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Are you tired of dealing with the complexity of Pre-Compiled Headers (PCH) in your C++ projects? Do you want to take advantage of the performance benefits of header units? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of changing a PCH’ed external library into a header unit.

What are Pre-Compiled Headers (PCH)?

Before we dive into the process of changing a PCH’ed external library, it’s essential to understand what PCH is and how it works. Pre-Compiled Headers (PCH) is a technique used to speed up the compilation process in C++. When a header file is included in multiple source files, the compiler has to re-parse and re-compile the same header file multiple times, which can lead to slower compilation times.

To mitigate this issue, PCH was introduced. With PCH, the compiler creates a pre-compiled version of the header file, which is then used in place of the original header file. This reduces the compilation time, as the compiler only needs to parse the pre-compiled version once.

What are Header Units?

In C++20, a new feature called “header units” was introduced. Header units are a way to package a set of headers into a single, self-contained unit that can be imported and used by the compiler. This feature is designed to replace PCH and provide better performance and maintainability.

Unlike PCH, header units are not limited to a specific compiler or platform. They are a standard C++ feature that can be used across different compilers and platforms. Header units also provide better error reporting and debugging capabilities, making them a more attractive option for developers.

Why Change from PCH to Header Units?

So, why should you change from PCH to header units? Here are some compelling reasons:

  • Faster Compilation Times**: Header units are faster to compile than PCH, especially for large projects.
  • Better Error Reporting**: Header units provide better error reporting and debugging capabilities than PCH.
  • Platform Independence**: Header units are a standard C++ feature that can be used across different compilers and platforms.

Step-by-Step Guide to Changing a PCH’ed External Library to a Header Unit

Now that we’ve covered the basics of PCH and header units, let’s dive into the step-by-step process of changing a PCH’ed external library to a header unit.

Step 1: Prepare the External Library

The first step is to prepare the external library for the transition. This involves:

  • Compiling the external library with the -fpch-preprocess flag to generate a pre-processing output file.
  • Running the pre-processing output file through a tool like clang-format to normalize the formatting.
  • Splitting the pre-processing output file into individual header files using a tool like cppsplit.
clang++ -fpch-preprocess -E -o output.pch external_library.cpp
clang-format output.pch
cppsplit output.pch

Step 2: Create a Header Unit

The next step is to create a header unit for the external library. A header unit is essentially a single header file that includes all the necessary headers from the external library.

Create a new header file called and include all the necessary headers from the external library:

#include "header1.h"
#include "header2.h"
#include "header3.h"
// ...

Step 3: Import the Header Unit

In your source files, import the header unit using the #import directive:

#import ""

Note that the #import directive is used instead of the traditional #include directive. This tells the compiler to import the header unit as a single, self-contained unit.

Step 4: Configure the Compiler

Configure the compiler to use the header unit by adding the following flags:

clang++ -fmodules

The -fmodules flag tells the compiler to enable module support, while the -fmodule-file flag specifies the header unit file.

Step 5: Verify the Compilation

Verify that the compilation process is successful and that the header unit is being used correctly. You can do this by checking the compiler output or using a tool like clang++ -v to verbose the compilation process.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

During the transition process, you may encounter some common issues. Here are some troubleshooting tips to help you overcome them:

Issue Solution
Error: “Cannot find header unit file” Verify that the header unit file is in the correct location and that the compiler is configured correctly.
Error: “Multiple definition of symbol” Check for duplicate definitions in the header files and resolve any conflicts.
Error: “Undefined symbol” Verify that the symbol is defined in the header unit and that the compiler is configured correctly.


Changing a PCH’ed external library to a header unit is a straightforward process that can provide significant performance benefits and improve maintainability. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this article, you can successfully transition your external library to a header unit and take advantage of the latest C++ features.

Remember to troubleshoot common issues and verify the compilation process to ensure a smooth transition. With header units, you can say goodbye to the complexity of PCH and hello to faster compilation times and better error reporting.

Additional Resources

For more information on header units and module support in C++, check out the following resources:

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, changing a PCH’ed external library to a header unit is a worthwhile investment for any C++ developer. With the guidance provided in this article, you can successfully transition your external library and reap the benefits of header units.

Remember to stay up-to-date with the latest C++ features and best practices to ensure your projects remain efficient, maintainable, and scalable.

Happy coding!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “How to change a PCH’ed external library into a header unit?” with a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to transform your PCH’ed external library into a header unit with these top 5 FAQs!

Q: What’s the motivation behind converting a PCH’ed external library to a header unit?

A: The primary motivation is to improve compilation times and optimize the build process. Header units reduce the need for PCH files, making your builds faster and more efficient. Plus, it’s a great way to future-proof your code for upcoming C++ standards!

Q: What’s the first step in converting a PCH’ed external library to a header unit?

A: Start by identifying the external library you want to convert and analyzing its dependencies. You’ll need to understand how the library is currently being used in your project to ensure a seamless transition.

Q: How do I handle conflicts between the PCH’ed library and the header unit?

A: When converting to a header unit, you might encounter conflicts between the original PCH file and the new header unit. To resolve this, you can either rename the header unit or use a namespace to distinguish it from the original PCH file.

Q: Will I need to modify my project’s build system to accommodate the header unit?

A: Yes, you’ll need to update your build system to correctly handle the new header unit. This might involve tweaking compiler flags, adjusting include paths, or updating your build scripts. Don’t worry, it’s a small price to pay for the benefits of header units!

Q: Are there any best practices or tools I should use when converting to a header unit?

A: Absolutely! Use tools like `clang` or `gcc` to help with the conversion process. Follow best practices like keeping your header unit organized, using clear naming conventions, and documenting your changes. And don’t forget to test, test, test to ensure a smooth transition!