How to Change the :active Color of This Cart Button: A Step-by-Step Guide
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How to Change the :active Color of This Cart Button: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of the default :active color of your cart button looking, well, boring? Do you want to make it pop with a vibrant color that matches your brand’s aesthetic? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to change the :active color of your cart button with ease.

What is the :active Pseudo-Class?

Before we dive into the good stuff, let’s talk about the :active pseudo-class. The :active pseudo-class is a CSS selector that targets an element when it’s being activated by the user, such as when a button is being clicked. It’s commonly used to change the appearance of an element during mouse clicks or touches.

Why Change the :active Color?

Changing the :active color of your cart button can make a huge difference in the user experience. Here are just a few reasons why:

  • It provides visual feedback to the user that the button has been clicked.
  • It can help to reduce anxiety and uncertainty during the checkout process.
  • It can match your brand’s color scheme and enhance the overall aesthetic.

Methods for Changing the :active Color

There are several ways to change the :active color of your cart button, and we’ll cover them all below.

Method 1: Using CSS

This is the most straightforward method. Simply add the following code to your CSS stylesheet:

.cart-button:active {
  background-color: #FF69B4; /* Replace with your desired color */
  color: #FFFFFF; /* Replace with your desired text color */

Here, we’re targeting the .cart-button class and applying the :active pseudo-class. We’re then changing the background color to #FF69B4 (a lovely shade of pink) and the text color to #FFFFFF (white).

Method 2: Using CSS with a Preprocessor (Sass or Less)

If you’re using a CSS preprocessor like Sass or Less, you can take advantage of variables and nesting to make your code more efficient. Here’s an example using Sass:

$active-color: #FF69B4;

.cart-button {
  &:active {
    background-color: $active-color;
    color: #FFFFFF;

In this example, we’re defining a variable $active-color and then using it to set the background color of the .cart-button class when it’s in the :active state.

Method 3: Using a CSS Framework (Bootstrap or Tailwind)

If you’re using a CSS framework like Bootstrap or Tailwind, you can take advantage of their built-in utility classes to change the :active color of your cart button.

For Bootstrap:

Here, we’re adding the .active:bg-red-500 and .active:text-white classes to the button element to change the background color to red and the text color to white when it’s in the :active state.

For Tailwind:

In this example, we’re adding the .active:bg-red-500 and .active:text-white classes to the button element to change the background color to red and the text color to white when it’s in the :active state.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Changing the :active color of your cart button is usually a straightforward process, but you may encounter some common issues. Here are some solutions to get you back on track:

Issue 1: The :active Color Isn’t Changing

If the :active color isn’t changing, make sure that you’ve added the correct CSS code to your stylesheet and that it’s being applied to the correct element. Also, check that there aren’t any other CSS rules overriding the :active styles.

Issue 2: The :active Color is Changing, but it’s Not What I Want

If the :active color is changing, but it’s not what you want, double-check that you’ve specified the correct color code in your CSS. You can use online color picker tools to get the exact hex code you need.

Issue 3: The :active Color is Only Changing on Hover, Not on Click

If the :active color is only changing on hover, not on click, make sure that you’re using the correct pseudo-class. The :hover pseudo-class targets an element when the user hovers over it, while the :active pseudo-class targets an element when it’s being activated (i.e., clicked).

Best Practices for Changing the :active Color

Here are some best practices to keep in mind when changing the :active color of your cart button:

  1. Use a high-contrast color that stands out from the default color.
  2. Choose a color that matches your brand’s aesthetic and is consistent with other interactive elements.
  3. Avoid using bright or overwhelming colors that may cause visual discomfort.
  4. Test the :active color on different devices and browsers to ensure it looks the same everywhere.
  5. Consider adding a transition effect to smooth out the color change.


Changing the :active color of your cart button is a simple yet effective way to enhance the user experience and make your website stand out. By following the methods outlined in this guide, you can easily customize the :active color to fit your brand’s unique style. Remember to test and iterate to ensure the best results.

Method Description
Using CSS Target the :active pseudo-class with CSS to change the color.
Using CSS with a Preprocessor Use variables and nesting to make your code more efficient.
Using a CSS Framework Take advantage of built-in utility classes to change the :active color.

Now, go forth and change that :active color like a pro!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to elevate your e-commerce game by changing the :active color of your cart button! Here are the most frequently asked questions to help you achieve the perfect hover effect.

What is the :active pseudo-class, and how does it work?

The :active pseudo-class is a CSS selector that targets an element when it’s in an active state, typically when a user clicks on it. To change the color of your cart button on click, you’ll need to use the :active pseudo-class in your CSS code.

How do I target the cart button element to change its :active color?

To target the cart button element, you’ll need to inspect the HTML structure of your website and identify the class or ID associated with the button. You can then use that class or ID in your CSS code to style the :active state. For example, if the cart button has a class of “cart-btn”, your CSS code would be “.cart-btn:active { background-color: #your-desired-color; }”.

What is the difference between :active and :hover, and when should I use each?

The :hover pseudo-class targets an element when the user hovers over it, while the :active pseudo-class targets an element when it’s in an active state, such as when the user clicks on it. Use :hover to change the color of your cart button on mouseover, and :active to change the color on click. You can use both pseudo-classes to create a visually appealing effect.

Can I use a CSS framework like Bootstrap or Tailwind to change the :active color of my cart button?

Yes, you can use a CSS framework like Bootstrap or Tailwind to change the :active color of your cart button. These frameworks provide pre-defined classes and variables that make it easy to customize the appearance of your elements. For example, in Bootstrap, you can add the “.btn-active” class to your cart button to change its :active color.

How do I make sure my custom :active color change is applied across all devices and browsers?

To ensure your custom :active color change is applied across all devices and browsers, make sure to test your code thoroughly and use CSS prefixes for maximum compatibility. You can also use a CSS framework or a CSS-in-JS solution like Styled Components to simplify the process.

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